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Carrying handwriting analysis

One fairly common type of fraud is the falsification of documents, in full, as well as its individual elements, including the signature alone. And to determine the degree of authenticity of a paper can only during an operation such as graphological examination. Implementation of such a professional analysis of the documents submitted to the one hundred percent will be able to answer many questions and most importantly, one that regards originality delivered them signed. And even if the documents were forged by experienced professionals, the "Private Investigator Greece" detective agency staff will certainly establish this fact.

To detect authenticity or forgery of the signature is examined handwriting, which our staff must carefully examine the original signature of a particular person who allegedly signed and dubious document and the signature itself, give rise to doubts. In short we can say, conducting handwriting analysis involves a detailed comparison of the original and fake, after which it will be possible to make any definite conclusions and to make the final verdict.

Therefore, if you are faced with a situation where the need to be responsible for allegedly signed by you document that you have never even seen the contact Detective Agency "Private Investigator Greece" to our employees was carrying out handwriting examination in Greece, as a result of which it is established exactly who put the signature. The service on our part may require you, if you suddenly found out, that you issued a loan or other financial obligations. Because certainly must be an agreement signed with the bank, the authenticity of which you will be able to contest with us.

If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the will of someone from your family, and have confidence in the forgery of a document, it also can help you graphological examination. Take advantage of this service are the authors of books, poems, and other works, if the result of their creative work was released under a different name.

Besides all this handwriting examination in Greece it helps to determine the condition of the person who signed or completely written by the hands of the entire document. The staff of our detective agency have vast experience and can say after the operation, there was a person in a state of depression or excitement, whether it is voluntary or forced, what diseases he suffers wrote, in what was at the time of writing posture and more. In carrying out many investigations graphological examination is simply an indispensable tool.

We, for its part can accurately ensure that our employees held handwriting examination in Greece will have a perfect result.

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