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DNA examination in Greece

Relationships between people - it is often the most unpredictable and surprising that may be in the world, especially when it comes to relationships between men and women. And not surprisingly, sometimes as a result of such relations it is necessary to establish paternity examination was carried out. And if before such an analysis seemed to ordinary townsfolk something fantastic, but now enough to apply to the detective agency "Private Investigator Greece" and commission a DNA examination. Our detective agency run by qualified physicians and specialists, which are used to obtain the results of such an analysis is only modern equipment for the study of the material presented by the client.

The material can be used in blood, hair, nails, saliva two people whose relationship is necessary to confirm or deny. And after the work carried out by our experts and your hands will be issued an official conclusion, which should no longer will cause absolutely no questions and suspicions. This conclusion is fully meets all the standards and may be evidence base by contacting state authorities.

On the establishment of paternity in Greece may need about two weeks. The result may be only positive or only negative. In the first case, the result reaches 99.999% and in the second, where a relationship simply impossible - it would be a perfect result. And here you can enjoy not only the establishment of paternity by DNA, but also to establish maternity. In this there is a need in the most different situations. In one case, there may be difficulties in the field of surrogacy, in the other case it is necessary to establish the degree of kinship between people who had not seen for a long time for some reason.

You may also be ordered examination of DNA in Greece with the participation of the detective agency "Private Investigator Greece" and provided that one of the checked people know nothing about this analysis. Also, unless you have absolutely no way to provide a second sample of the material for an independent examination of DNA, you can order our private detectives. And we never ask too many questions to find out why it took you to establish paternity in Greece. We just do our job and give you the results of the work.

Also, DNA examination in Greece may be implemented in the commission of a crime, to identify the suspected involvement of people left at the crime scene material, which can be used for the examination of DNA in Greece.

The cost of the DNA examination in Greece check with our staff.

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