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The cost of the work of our detectives

It is natural that almost everyone, before turning to the detective agency "Private Investigator Greece", wondering about how much it would cost the cost of a private detective. But once you no one can say the exact price for our services as a specialist detective agency is not acquainted with the details of your problem, and does not make its assessment. And in such cases, a major role is played exactly the kind of service you need at the moment and if it does not entail the provision of additional services of a detective agency "Private Investigator Greece." Therefore, to obtain accurate information on the cost of the detective services, you need to communicate with us.

What forms the price of our services

One of the important parameters when working with a private investigator is the urgency of the order. And it is clear that the price of an alibi, which you will need to ensure that in a week or a month will be strikingly different from the price on the cover, which is required to ensure you have the day of your first call.

Do not unimportant role played by the distance that must be overcome in a private investigator that the cost of services is also included. If you need to arrange the identification of betrayal of someone of the spouses in Greece, it is another question. If we are talking about the mission of our staff for this purpose in another country, it is natural, and the price will be increased. Do not forget about the complexity of the work involved and the number of employees of the detective agency "Private Investigator Greece", especially because sometimes we have to involve our colleagues, whose work also needs to be paid.

But in any case you can be sure that the detective service cost under any circumstances, will not be going to overpriced. We take as much as is a private detective, whose value is actually priceless. You also have to evaluate and their risks, as there are orders, the fulfillment of which we can not guarantee for one reason or another. For example, there is no guarantee that the missing person will certainly be found. But we are working hard to achieve this result. The cost of detective services involves an indispensable pre-payment, which is often not less than fifty percent of the total price. It is also an advance for our work and supplies facilities, since the execution of each order always involves certain costs on our part, especially if the trip goes to a private detective, the price of which is included in the order to calculate the cost.

If you do not want the price of our services has been increased, you should carefully follow the instructions of our staff and not to interfere with the work of their actions. Direct assistance can be relevant only in cases where the detectives themselves warn about this in advance.

How to pay for our work

We offer several options for payment to us, from which you can choose the most convenient for you. This can be WebMoney, MONEY GRAMM, WESTERN UNION, cash or postal order.

List of cities served