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Provision of collection services

Any financial and trade relations are always some risks, because no matter what the documents have been signed between the parties, there is no guarantee that the bills are paid, and there will be no delay and force majeure. Confidence in the cash payment can be only in the case when they are already in the account or in your purse. And precisely because of this reason only very popular among financial and many other organizations use the collection services.

Statistics show that only in the banking environment there is a steady increase in credit debt each year. Not in a hurry to carry out the return debt borrowers and individuals, despite the presence of loan agreements or receipts. The very same process that is associated with the cash return is very difficult and requires special podkovannosti. It is important to search for the debtor, who often tries to escape from responsibility, then you must try to resolve the issue through peaceful means, which can not everyone and not always. And even if you have filed in court, which ruled in your favor, it still may not be a guarantee that you will immediately get your money.

That's why Detective Agency "Private Investigator Greece" offers such services as debt collection in Greece. Among our customers there are many financial institutions, companies that have a commodity-money relations, as well as individuals. At the same time, we work exclusively according to the law and never use criminal methods of influence on debtors, offering various solutions to the problem, including the sale of debt or assignment of the debt. And from personal experience we can say that debt collection by legal method is quite effective if the process approach competently and professionally.

Collection services from our side suggests a fairly wide scope of the problem. In this regard, we produce:

• return to Greece's debts to companies and individuals;
• Returns of receivables by the court;
• Professional supervision of execution of a court order;
• legal advice at the conclusion of the assignment agreement (novation);
• Carrying out checks on a subject of their bankruptcy;
• Sale of debts;
• debtors wanted and more.

Often lenders for collection services are the last hope that they will return their own funds. After all, it is only in the process of entering sewers, debts somehow miraculously begin to return immediately appear money from debtors and solved many problems. Of course, mainly due to the psychological impact, because not many people want to solve the problems of extreme methods. And someone is competent organization of transfer of debt or debt sale, organized by our experts, is the only solution.

Therefore, if you are faced with similar problems and you need help to return the debt, then contact the Detective Agency "Private Investigator Greece." Our experts make vocational provision of collection services.

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