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Professional control of your children

If your work involves frequent travel to other cities and countries, if you just spend a lot of time away from home, and your children are under the care of strangers, or even, in principle, left to themselves, you should definitely book in the Detective Agency "Private Investigator Greece "control over the children. And in this regard we are ready to provide a sufficiently wide range of services from the banal to gather information about where and with whom your child spends his free time until a permanent protection of your son or daughter of our bodyguards.

You can hire our staff to accompany your child on a particular event, or even on vacation to another country. With this you can choose options for our work. In some cases, officers of the detective agency "Private Investigator Greece" will be directly next to a man in some it can to keep their distance to your son or daughter is not suspected of such an observer. And you will continue to do for children the information that you were absolutely quiet for them. In the same way it will be ensured and the safety of children on the street.

For those parents who for one reason or another strained relationship with the child, not rarely in times of adolescence, we are ready to provide the service to collect information. That way you'll know for sure, is not whether or not your child is in bad company. You can get information in the form of a written report, compiled by the results of our surveillance or as a results of photographic surveillance. In each case, we use an individual approach and work as it would be convenient to our customers.

Call Detective Agency "Private Investigator Greece", and your children will always be safe.

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