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Price lie detector test

Naturally, anyone who calls or just plans to ask the detective agency is very concerned about the issue of how much it will cost our services. And it is not an exception conduct lie-detector test. But at the first call, and your question about the price, how much is the lie detector, we can not you just give an answer until we know all the details and nuances of your order.

How much does a polygraph examination?

Let's look at some of the nuances of which are included in the cost and a polygraph test. Firstly, it is important to understand whether the checks carried out in our office or our employee will need to visit your company or your home. It is also important that you have previously outlined the picture of what is happening and what you want to find out with the help of a lie detector. This will determine the preliminary preparation of our specialist to conduct the testing. Despite the fact that many situations are typical enough, and almost no longer a topic that would not have affected our customers when ordering this service, we always come to the solution of the problem individually, and still in every job has its own nuances that need to be to consider before you check on a lie detector specific person.

Accordingly, if you now want to know how much is the test on a lie detector, ready to answer some questions from our employees.

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